Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter 09

Say cheese it's Easter. We had a great Easter this year. Aniston and Avery both got new Easter dresses courtesy of Grammy. Above is a picture of the three Moss girls after Easter dinner.
Grammy and Aniston pose for a quick picture with the Easter bunny Grammy gave her.

Avery was so excited to get this pink bunny. We've never seen her so worked up over a toy like she did with this one

Aniston woke up to find the Easter bunny had left her a basket full of treats. Anistons favorite thing that the Easter bunny left her was these jell flip flops. The Easter bunny also left Annie a egg hunt in the back yard.

Just a goofy picture of Annie from earlier in the day. She is wearing my sunglasses. She wore them most of the day.


Wrendy and Bronson said...

Hey chicka Your girls are so dang cute! I love there easter outfits. And it looks like you guys had a very fun easter.

Cody and Paige said...

Way cute Kens! I love their little Easter oufits! We need to get together soon!

Kody Bre & Kyree said...

It was good seeing you really! You look amazing girl! O and your girls are so cute!!!

Annie the past year

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