Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Past Month

Hello everyone! Yes, I know it's been a while since I have been able to update the blog. I'm so sorry things have just been more than crazy around here. So here is a quick update on whats been going on with us the last month. Grandma Judi came to visit the last week of August we really enjoyed her company. While she was here we experimented with putting Aniston in a toddler bed. We redid her whole room in the process of it all. Unfortunately, Aniston didn't take to it real well after the novelty of the whole thing wore off. I, being pregnant, needing sleep and Jason working to jobs needing sleep, decided to bag the idea. We sadly boxed up all the new bedding, decor and bed and packed it away. We decided we will try again in a few months when maybe she'll be more ready. So for now it's back in the crib. In other news the pregnancy is still going well. They haven't moved my due date anymore so that is nice. However I still think they are crazy in saying this baby will not be here tell December. As always Aniston continues to get smarter and smarter as each day passes. We have been working with her on watching Little Einsteins on TV. For those of you that have no idea what that is it's a educational cartoon geared towards toddlers. It's not that we want her to just sit infront of a TV all day. We just think it would be nice for her to have something to keep her busy for a half hour here in there. Where we aren't chasing her around, especially with the new baby coming. Here is a picture of Dad and Aniston as they watch Toons, as Aniston calls them. In other things about Annie as many of you already know, Bear had a accident. Long story short Aniston dropped him at the park and by the time we found him he was ran over by a big Lawn Mower. It was pretty bad. There was fluff every where and bear was in several pieces. It was a ruff few days but we where able to put him back together again. He's a little mangled looking but Aniston doesn't care. All that matters to her is she has her bear. As far as everything else goes we have just been keeping busy. Here a few photos we took of Aniston in the past month. Annie sipping out of her pretend pop can

Aniston and her 1st piggy bank. Grandma Judi sent it.

Trick or Treat!!! Aniston has got her Halloween outfit on. You should hear her say pumpkin it's so cute!


mtbuttars said...

It's about time! You should have put before and after pics of Bear's accident then you could show what a good job you did putting him back together!

Kamron and Breann said...

Hey Kens its breann olson well wootton now, but i was at alicia's house and we were on the computer so i seen you on here so we were looking. its been forever since we've talked i would love to here from you. She is so stinkin cute. well you should look at my blog and see my boys i have 2 its kamronandbreann.blogspot.com. we'll i'll be looking to here from you

Kamron and Breann said...

I know it seems like everything is just going so fast. My boys are just so big I miss them being little. So your little girl is so cute. I wish I had a little girl. one of these days I will hopefully. so where are you living now? you should call me sometime and we can do lunch or something. 7106499

Annie the past year

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