Friday, October 3, 2008

Doctors Visit 8/03

We had our monthly trip to the ob today. Everything looks good. She is measuring a little big which is good. It means there is a chance he'll put my due date back. Yah! My next appointment is Halloween day. That's the lucky appointment where based on what my body is doing he will decided to move my date, and make me start coming every week. Or keep it the same and just come every two weeks tell something changes. With Aniston my body was stubborn and stayed looked up tighter than a bank vault. Here is hoping all the walking and staying healthy helps out and that isn't the case this time. I really would like to have her at the end of November so we have a month be for Christmas. Not just because it's Christmas and crazy without a new born, but just so we can have some energy to enjoy the holiday. But I know whats meant to happen will, and she'll get here when she is meant to. I know that doctor can move my date all around, but it's Avery that has the final say of when she is coming. ;)

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