Friday, October 3, 2008

Peach Trees

Jason bought some Peach trees for our back yard this week. Even though peach season has past for the year. We are excited to watch them bloom next year. Apparently if you plant two peach trees instead of one, each tree will produce twice the fruit. Something to do with each tree being able to help pollinate one another. Above is a picture of Aniston checking out the new addition to our yard. Below is a pic of Aniston first spotting the trees. What a concerned look she has lol.

(Cute fuzzy, purple jacket was brought back by Grandma Winni. All the way from San Fransisco. Aniston loves it. Insits on having it on all the time. Even just around the house.) I think this picture is just funny. She seems so watchful as if someone is going to try and take her bear.


Kamron and Breann said...

Aniston is so dang cute. So I am so excited for you having two kids is a joy. they are the best. Well keep me updated on the baby. I would like to come see you guys when she is here. I want to bring something for her.

Kelsey said...

Look at that face! Too cute!

Annie the past year

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